

We offer our guests comfort and quality while preserving the authentic Transylvanian spirit

If you are a traveller in search of some of the best places you can visit, you will discover a magic place in the heart of the Apuseni, Huda lui Papară, the guest house at the mouth of the namesake cave.

Situated near the brook that comes out of the namesake cave, surrounded by mountains, our guest house is the perfect spot for a relaxation or an adventure-filled escape from the bustling city life.

We want our guests to enjoy their stay at Huda lui Papară Guest House.


Therefore, we strive to offer the best of everything and to make you feel truly at home during your stay with us. 

At Huda lui Papară we pay special attention to details. You will find a cuisine inspired by the traditional local recipes, and home-made drinks that will accompany our tasty dishes.

Reserve your dream stay at Huda lui Papară Guest House, now!


Rimetea is perhaps the most visited village in the Apuseni, being considered one of the most beautiful in Romania. At the s


Huda lui Papară Guest House

Situated near the brook that comes out of the namesake cave, surrounded by mountains, our guest house is the perfect spot for a relaxation or an adventure-filled escape from the bustling city life.

Our guests can find here all the mod coms they need plus a genuine Transylvanian experience.

Green area
Covered decks
Bonfire area
Conference room
Dining room
Free Wi-Fi
Organised Outdoor Activities
Parking area at approx. 100m
Un loc superb, la gura peșterii Huda lui Papară, cu râu si izvor, înconjurat de munți și păduri magnifice.

Alina V.

Simplitate, eleganță, servire ireproșabilă, mâncare pe alese, aer curat, zonă liniștită!

Cristina M.

O locație aflata pe un tărâm de vis cu peisaje care iti taie respiratia. Gazda foarte amabilă si ospitalieră. Toate camerele au mobilier nou si de calitate.

Cosmin F.

Pensiunea Huda lui Papara has very good rooms with clean and modern bathrooms. While the cabana sits directly in nature, close to the steep mountain, you have access to many walking trails starting from your stay.

Mark B.

Recomand cu încredere!

Valentin S.